Sunday, 14 August 2016

Top 10 Websites for Quotes, Quotation, Sayings, Slogan, thoughts, Proverbs, Phrases and Idoms

List of best websites for Quotes, Quotation and Saying

What is Quotes?

What is the difference between Phrases and Idoms?

What is the difference between Quotes and Idoms?

What is the difference Quotes and Slogan?

What is the difference between Quotes and Phrases?

What is the difference between Quotes and Proverb?

What is the difference between Quotes and Thoughts?

Difference Between Quotes and Thoughts

You may have came to know about, what is Quotes in previous posts. So we will discuss mostly about thoughts. 
Thought can refer to the ideas or arrangements of ideas that result from thinking,or during doing some conceptual or analytical work, the act of producing thoughts, or the process of producing thoughts. Although thought is a fundamental human activity familiar to everyone, there is no generally accepted agreement as to what thought is or how it is created. Thoughts may or may not arise in the mind from the product of subconscious brain processing. Thoughts is well arrange logical arrangement of thinking.
Because thought underlies many human actions and interactions, understanding its physical and metaphysical origins, processes, and effects has been a longstanding goal of many academic disciplines including psychologyneuroscience,philosophyartificial intelligencebiologysociology and cognitive science.
Thinking allows humans to make sense of, interpret, represent or model the world they experience, and to make predictions about that world. It is therefore helpful to an organism with needs, objectives, and desires as it makes plans or otherwise attempts to accomplish those goals.

First of all you must know the literary meaning of Thoughts, then you will able to differentiate very easily.

  1. 1.
    an idea or opinion produced by thinking, or occurring suddenly in the mind.
    "Maggie had a sudden thought"
    synonyms:ideanotion, line of thinking, beliefconceptconceptionconvictionopinionview,impressionimageperception, mental picture; More
  2. 2.
    the action or process of thinking.
    "Sophie sat deep in thought"
    synonyms:thinkingreasoningcontemplationmusing, pondering, considerationreflection,introspectiondeliberationstudy, rumination, cogitationmeditationbrooding, mulling over, reverie, brown study, concentrationdebatespeculation;
    "it only took a moment's thought"

What is the difference between Quotes and Sayings?

Difference between Quotes and Saying

As we know that any already understood about Quotes in previous post. Quotes is a group of words taken from text or speech and mostly repeatedly used other than original authors.

So, here, we will discuss mostly about Saying and difference between Quotes and Saying. Before going to deep about difference about this two words Quotes and Saying, we must know the literary meaning and which context these two words are using now a days.

What do you understand by Saying?
Saying as it obvious, it is a kind of statement or group of words which have some logical reason or based on past repeated event.

  1. a short, pithy, commonly known expression which generally offers advice or wisdom.
    synonyms:proverbmaximaphorismaxiomadagesawtagmottopreceptepigramepigraph,dictumgnome, pearl of wisdom; More
    • a collection of short, pithy expressions identified with a particular person, especially a political or religious leader.
      "this is stated in the sayings of the Prophet"

What is the difference between Quotes and Quotation?

The difference between Quotes and Quotation

It has been observed that the word Quote and Quotation are being used interchangeably. These both words 'Quote and Quotation' are so popular in the similar context, people are used in the same way and seems to be no different. 

What is the meaning of Quote

According to the Oxford Dictionary, the word quote is defined as, "A group of words taken from a text or speech and repeated by someone other than the original author or speaker."
The origin of the word quote goes back to Medieval English, sometime around 1387. The word quote is a derivation of the Latin word quotare, which means "to mark a book with numbers of chapters for reference."

What is the meaning of Quotation

A Quotes is a repeat of what some one is already said or write, crediting the original person.

--                               --                                                   --                           --
According to Sol Steinmetz, author of the book, Semantic Antics: How and Why Words Change Meaning, 200 years or so later, the meaning of the word quotation was expanded to include the meaning, "to copy out or repeat a passage from a book or author."
One of the most frequently quoted American personalities is Abraham Lincoln. His words have proved to be a source of inspiration and wisdom. In one of his many famous writings, he wrote,

How to use Single or Double Quotation Marks to Punctuate the Quotations?

Use of Single or Double Quotation marks to punctuate the quotations are depend up on the place where we are using . The most important point to keep in mind during uses of Single or double quotation .. when using these little punctuation marks is that the style of the opening and closing quotation marks match like 'Good afternoon, joseph'...